A successful day inspite of the weather

The Mayor of Broxtowe, Cllr. Halima Khaled and her escort; Chair of Greasley Gathering, Paul Tordoff; Chair of Greasley Parish Council, Cll. Mick Brown and Chair of the County Council, Cll. John Handley and his wife Margaret.

Unbelievably the rain stopped at 10.15 and started again at 3.00pm; enough time for people to come and enjoy the day.

The Mayor of Broxtowe, Councillor Halima Khaled, opened the event at 10.45am and later enjoyed the ride on the London bus, going upstairs for a good view of the journey.

The buses were popular and the activities  were very well attended. The Racing Room was a constant attraction, as were the Circus Skills. The Nottingham Youth Jazz Combo provided lively musical entertainment throughout the day. The choirs were greatly enjoyed by the public, in particular the Glee Choir whose programme in the Parish Hall proved very entertaining and later the return of the Community Choir, as popular as ever.

In the Sports Hall, the Rock ‘n’ Soul singers, a new choir added to the entertainments for the day, also drew the crowd. As did the Children’s Magician, Don Chamnbers…he not only had a crowd of chldren around him but also a large number of adults who were entertianed by his magic!!

…and the Creation Station, a stop off point for children to make something special and take it away with them, ran out of some of the activities they had on offer! A very popular stall.

A big thanks to all our volunteers, who made the day run smoothly.

And to those who through donations of goods, money, and time contributed to the event, enabling it to take place:

Broxtowe Borough Council                            Greasley Parish Council                                              Greasley Sports Hall staff

Lawrence Vets                                                   QC Catering                                                                   EMC Watnall

Gillotts Funeral Direstors                               Kevin Rostance (PA SYSTEM)                                  Cllr. Barbara Willimott

Boots                                                                    Thorntons                                                                      Warburtons

Blue Monkey Brewery                                      Reuben Shaw

Horse and Groom (Moorgreen)                     Queen’s Head (Watnall)                                               The Royal Oak (Watnall)

New Inn (Newthorpe)                                       The Forester’s Arms (Newthorpe)                             Hayloft (Newthorpe)

A special thanks to  Blackmore Commercials – they don’t just provide and drive the buses but give us valuable feedback on how to improve the services.

Some photos from the day:

Don Chambers – Children’s Magician
Smaller bus -but still an attraction
Nearly in!
Don’t let go!
Balancing the plates!
Not quite the high wire.







Presentation of Broxtowe Borough Council Cheque by Mayor of Broxtowe, Cllr. Graham Harvey to Paul Tordoff, Chair of Greasley Gathering.
Cheque presentation from Chair of Greasley Parish Council, Cllr. Bob Willimott, to Chair of Greasley Gathering, Paul Tordoff.